Green Tea and More...

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Be Healthy. Be Green.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

The Breadmaker

Last week I went on a rant about the so-called ingredients that I feel are lessening the nutritional value of our food, soy and high fructose corn syrup in particular. The subject was bread and I vowed to buy a breadmaker so I could bake my own bread. Nothing too labor intensive, since I really can't add too much more to my Suzy Homemaker workload. Then I started reading The Coming China Wars and had another rant, albeit a mini one, about Brand Name or Country of Origin.

The breadmaker I originally ordered was on back order so I canceled it, my primary motivation being that it was made in China. I have been looking for a breadmaker that is NOT made in China but have found this to be an impossible task. There doesn't seem to be such a machine.

As I briefly mentioned the other day more and more of our food is coming from China as well, and the growing conditions in that country are less than pristine shall we say. Polluted streams, rivers, and lakes, filthy air, antibiotics injected into fish farm pond water and animals, viruses galore, and ironically, terrific environmental regulations nearly on par with the US, but sadly, rarely enforced. The more I read about China, the more I am determined to eat local and eat organic. And sorry, I won't eat organic vegetables or fruits grown in China (Cascade Farms for one--check the label because they list country of origin).

As uneasy as it makes me feel, I guess I have no choice but to order a breadmaker made in China. I just don't know which one yet.

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